Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Canada national Park Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Canada national Park - Research Paper Example It was established in the year 1987 and governed by Parks Canada. The most important geographical features include the rocks, cliffs, and Grottos (caves). The dolomite rocks that can be seen in the park are important because it consist of the fossils of plants and animals. So, one can easily identify that Bruce Peninsula National Park is archeologically and ecologically important. Within Bruce Peninsula National Park, steep cliffs in Bruce Trail and the sea shore in Georgian Bay are some of the important geographical features. Koenig (2005), states that â€Å"The peninsula can be characterized as an out-of-the-way place in a cultural as well as an ecological sense† (p.11). Some of the important plant and tree species include Yellow Lady's Slipper, Maidenhair Spleenwort and Eastern White Cedar (tree). The wildlife includes wild animals like bear, birds, plants and reptiles. Besides, the most important quality of the Bruce Peninsula National Park is its closeness to Niagara Esca rpment area. So, the main features/ characteristics of Bruce Peninsula National Park qualify the same as an important national park which preserves flora and fauna without human encroachment and exploitation. B. Natural and cultural attractions at Bruce Peninsula National Park The natural attractions at Bruce Peninsula National Park are interconnected with its landscape (beaches, limestone cliffs, and forests). On the other side, the cultural attractions include the remaining of Paleozoic Era and the status as a World Biosphere Reserve within Niagara Escarpment. Besides, the facilities, natural and cultural identity, accommodation facilities and operation (proper functioning) act the role of a strong foundation to the natural and cultural attractions at Bruce Peninsula National Park. To be specific, some of the world renowned National Parks does not prove successful in attracting visitors and preserving nature. But Bruce Peninsula National Park is entirely different from other natio nal parks. I. Facilities Most of the facilities that are considered as an integral part of tourism are available at Bruce Peninsula National Park. For instance, tourists who are interested in adventure can enjoy hiking, canoeing and kayaking. The tourists who are interested in sight seeing can enjoy the flora and fauna of Bruce Peninsula National Park. Goodwin (1995), makes clear that â€Å"The Bruce’s reputation as a haven for some of the province’s rarest and most attractive plants has drawn naturalists north to the peninsula, and it is now recognized for an outstanding array of breeding birds as well† (p.77). The tourists who are interested in learning more about the national park can participate in the educational programs conducted by the park authorities. As the park is open year round, tourists can conduct different types of camps according to their interest. For instance, Front Country Camping (say, 242 campsites) is an important attraction at Bruce Peni nsula National Park. Other facilities provided by the park authorities include parking (parking lots), special care and attention for persons with disabilities and local community services (stores, groceries etc). From a different angle of view, the facilities provided by the park authorities are helpful for the tourists to choose facilities according to their needs. II. Natural and cultural identity Some of the most important places in Bruce Peninsula N

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