Friday, May 31, 2019
Biography of Louisa May Alcott Essay -- Louis May Alcott Writers Essay
Biography of Louisa May Alcott Louisa May Alcott was born in Germantown, Pennsylvania, the girl of Amos Bronson Alcott, an educator and philosopher, and Abigail May, the energetic, philanthropist. Louisa grew up in Concord and Boston, suffering from poverty as a firmness of her selfish idealist fathers inability to support his family. Bronson Alcott habitually sacrificed his wife and daughters by refusing to compromise with a venal world, most conspicuously when he subjected them to an experiment in ascetic communal living at Fruitlands farm in 1843. However, the Alcotts intellectual environment was rich and stimulating Louisas parents assidously encouraged her paternity, and her friends included leaders in abolishment and womens rights, including the Transcendental philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson, Margaret Fuller, and Henry David Thoreau. Louisa took nature walks with Thoreau and had the run of Emersons library.By the conviction she had reached her teens, she fe lt a responsibility to help her mother and older sister provide for the family. She taught, sewed, worked as a domestic and a companion, and wrote fairy tales and romantic thrillers. When the well-mannered War broke out, she was eager to participate, animated by her dislike of fe anthropoid passivity as well as her hatred of slavery. She enlisted as a suck ans served for three weeks in an army hospital in Washington, D.C., until she contracted typhoid fever. She was enured with mercury, which permanently undermined her health. The experience did, however, provide material for her Hospital Sketches, which vividly combines heartbreaking pathos in death of a gental, stoical blacksmith, indignation at male official callousness and mismanagement, and humorous self-portrayal as the warmhearted, hot- tempered, down-to-earth check Tribulation Periwinkle. In that year, she proudly recorded in her journal, she earned almost $600 by my writing alone, of which she spent less than a hundred for herself. From then on, she provided the study financial support for her family, while remaining obligated to help them with the heavy housework and prevail them when ill. She never married. Later on, a publisher approached Louisa to do a girls book, she accepted the offer provided because she needed the money. The result was Little Women , one of the bestsellers of all time. indoors four years it had sold 82,0... ... her characters who rebel against conventionally delineate feminine goodness. Alcott, however, did not let her resentment surface in behavior she constantly sacrificed her in-person comfort and the artistic quality of her works to the demands of her family. She plunged into a whirlpool to write Work but had to stop to nurse her sister Anna through pneumonia when she finished the book, it was non what it should be,-too many interruptions. Should like to do one book in peace, and see if it wouldnt be good. When her father was dying, she regularly dragged hers elf out to see him, although very ill herself 2 days after his death, free at last of family obligations, she died in Boston.Alcott will always be remembered for Little Women , the classic American story of girls growing up. In her own time, it established her reputation as a purveyor of perceptive and sympathetic, but always morally uplifting, literature for young people. The subversive, feminist element in her books has only recently been clearly recognized. We now see not so much the Childrens Friend as a deeply conflicted woman whose work richly expresses the tensions of female lives in nineteenth-century America. Biography of Louisa May Alcott probe -- Louis May Alcott Writers EssayBiography of Louisa May Alcott Louisa May Alcott was born in Germantown, Pennsylvania, the daughter of Amos Bronson Alcott, an educator and philosopher, and Abigail May, the energetic, philanthropist. Louisa grew up in Concord and Boston, suffering from poverty as a r esult of her selfish idealist fathers inability to support his family. Bronson Alcott habitually sacrificed his wife and daughters by refusing to compromise with a venal world, most conspicuously when he subjected them to an experiment in ascetic communal living at Fruitlands farm in 1843. However, the Alcotts intellectual environment was rich and stimulating Louisas parents assidously encouraged her writing, and her friends included leaders in abolition and womens rights, including the Transcendental philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson, Margaret Fuller, and Henry David Thoreau. Louisa took nature walks with Thoreau and had the run of Emersons library.By the time she had reached her teens, she felt a responsibility to help her mother and older sister provide for the family. She taught, sewed, worked as a domestic and a companion, and wrote fairy tales and romantic thrillers. When the Civil War broke out, she was eager to participate, animated by her dislike of female passivity as well a s her hatred of slavery. She enlisted as a nurse ans served for three weeks in an army hospital in Washington, D.C., until she contracted typhoid fever. She was treated with mercury, which permanently undermined her health. The experience did, however, provide material for her Hospital Sketches, which vividly combines heartbreaking pathos in death of a gental, stoical blacksmith, indignation at male official callousness and mismanagement, and humorous self-portrayal as the warmhearted, hot- tempered, down-to-earth Nurse Tribulation Periwinkle. In that year, she proudly recorded in her journal, she earned almost $600 by my writing alone, of which she spent less than a hundred for herself. From then on, she provided the major financial support for her family, while remaining obligated to help them with the heavy housework and nurse them when ill. She never married. Later on, a publisher approached Louisa to do a girls book, she accepted the offer only because she needed the money. The result was Little Women , one of the bestsellers of all time. Within four years it had sold 82,0... ... her characters who rebel against conventionally defined female goodness. Alcott, however, did not let her resentment surface in behavior she constantly sacrificed her personal comfort and the artistic quality of her works to the demands of her family. She plunged into a vortex to write Work but had to stop to nurse her sister Anna through pneumonia when she finished the book, it was Not what it should be,-too many interruptions. Should like to do one book in peace, and see if it wouldnt be good. When her father was dying, she regularly dragged herself out to see him, although very ill herself two days after his death, free at last of family obligations, she died in Boston.Alcott will always be remembered for Little Women , the classic American story of girls growing up. In her own time, it established her reputation as a purveyor of perceptive and sympathetic, but always morally uplifting, literature for young people. The subversive, feminist element in her books has only recently been clearly recognized. We now see not so much the Childrens Friend as a deeply conflicted woman whose work richly expresses the tensions of female lives in nineteenth-century America.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Crack :: essays research papers
Cocaine Base (Crack Cocaine)As mentioned above, powder cocain cannot be smoked unless chemicallyaltered apply the dangerous freebasing technique. Late summer of 1985, NewYork City drug dealers put an end to the need for freebasing powder cocaine.These same drug entrepreneurs would revolutionize the sale of cocaine andbring terror to the streets of America.The exact inventor of crack cocaine is unknown, but the lasting effects oftheir discovery is well documented. The benefits of cocaine base (crack) forthe drug dealers take a crap only been surpassed by the problems it has created forsociety in general. In many ways crack is the perfect drug. As we will see,crack cocaine was a bias of marketing genius.Powder cocaine is messy and hard to handle, crack however is a hard Imagerock-like substance easy to handle and conceal. Powder cocaine hasto be inhaled or injected. Inhaling cocaine creates a variety of sinus andnasal problems. Inhaling also takes longer for the drug to take affec t.Injecting powder cocaine to get a dampen and faster high became veryunpopular with advent of the A.I.D.S. crisis. Powder cocaine is frequentlycut or mixed with a variety of substances in nightclub to raise profit mar- ginsof drug dealers. This has made purchasing powder cocaine more hazardous forthe drug abuser as they cannot be sure of the matter of the drug they arebuying. Finally, freebasing was thought too dangerous a prospect for mostcocaine users. Crack cocaine overcame all these detractors to cocaine usage.Crack cocaine is easily manufactured from powder cocaine without dangeroussolvents, using common household ingredients. Crack is smokeable, creatingan intense and immediate high. There is no need for needles, nor is therethe damage to nasal and sinus passages associated with "snorting" cocaine.Crack is nearly pure cocaine. Dosages of crack are smaller, meaning there isno need for diluting the cocaine with miscellaneous substances. Because of thesmaller dosage s, crack is more profitable for the dealer. The smaller dosageunits also mean it is cheaper for the user to purchase a small amount andget high. The cheaper determine per unit also makes it available to broader
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Supernatural in Shakespeares Macbeth - The Naturally Supernatural :: GCSE Coursework Macbeth Essays
The Supernatural in Macbeth Writers often use supernatural to wreak suspense and interest to their work. The Witches and ghosts create a sense of horror as well as foreshadow what entrust happen next. Ghosts and apparitions legitimately took over MacBeths emotions and fears. For example in the opening scene witches are used to create an atmosphere of horror and suspense. Later in the scene the ghost of Banquo appears at the dinner party table and drives Macbeth mad. His wife trys to calm him but she cant and Macbeth has the people at the table getting awfully suspicious. Again we see it when Macbeth saw the dagger, he is seeing things cod to guilt. The witches foresaw what happened through the play by telling Macbeth his future as well as Banquo. Ghosts made the audience feel scared the sky black and the squirm misty. Witches in the play did prophecise to Macbeth that he would be king. Macbeth knowing this information became curious, knowing that Duncan was king he wondered ho w he would acheive the position. So he did indeed kill Duncan at a lower place the guidance of the three witches. The witches in this play in terms of ghosts are concerned, we see they are not human or half ways familiar when baquo quotes to Macbeth that are not human like as well as irregular in some sort and very unattractive. This leaves a feeling of nefariousness for example the sky is black and the grass is gray instead of green the branches on the tress are short and rotting. The witches were Macbeths fortune tellers but they petabyte him a bad life In the end. Ghosts and apparitions not only drove Macbeth to his grave but also gave him up. When he kills Duncan there is a sense of real guilt. We see him qualifying crazy and feeling extreme guilt when immediately after he kills him he sais to his wife what a sorry sight and she tells him to waive worrying about Duncan and to get on with his life. She also tells him to stop being a coward, and that killing was the only opt ion. In actuality it is not because a murder will never stay secret. Ghosts were a big factor in this play but guilt plays a part as well, a much large part. Guilt led to the witnessing of ghosts. For example when Macbeth hosts the dinner he witnesses baquos ghost this has an affect of pity for Macbeth as far as the audience is concerned, Macbeth himself from guilt is going crazy.
Hinduism and Buddhisn Essay -- Religion, Karma, Krishna
Two major religious paths found in the Indian subcontinent are Hinduism and Buddhism (LR, 37). Hinduism is seen as a polytheistic and a monotheistic customs duty that evolved from different Indian religious traditions. Hinduism is also cognise as Sanatana Dharma whose goal is to achieve moksha and live life according to the Dharma (LR, 43). Buddhism is a nontheistic religion that is based on the teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha, known as the Dharma, which offers a path to enlightenment by practicing compassion and achieving liberation from suffering (LR, 72).Hinduism today is known as Sanatana Dharma, which means eternal religion, law, cosmic order, and duty. This tradition began in the Vedic Age around the Indus Valley in India where it is said that the Vedas were created orally, but the orgins of the Vedas remains unclear. The Vedas were first written down around 1500 BCE and consist of collections of hymns containing of quadruple parts the Samhitas, the Brahmanas, the Aranyakas and the Upanishads (LR, 39-41). The Samhitas consist of hymns worshiping Vedic gods, the Brahmanas explain the meaning of rituals and sacrifices and provide instructions for performing these acts, the Aranyakas contain philosophical texts that are known as forest treatises, and at last the Upanishads, which is comprised of sophisticated philosophy that explains personal transformation that results from ritual participation. The Rig Veda is the oldest scripture of the Vedas which praises the four devas Indra (the god of thunder and rain), Agni (the god of fire), Soma (a sacred drink) and Ushas (the goddess of dawn). The Upanishads were written by rishis, who were thought to be human forms of Brahman (the Supreme god), that express the principles of Sanatana Dharma.... ... five precepts (notes). Mahayana, the path of compassion and wisdom, is the second major school of Buddhism who regards the Buddha as a world(a) principle with three bodies. The first body has no form and encompas ses the wisdom of the Buddha, the second is the body of bliss and emphasizes the Dharma, and the third is the body of transformation, in which the Buddha takes on legion(predicate) forms to help human beings achieve liberation from suffering (LR, 83). The Mahayanasutras are the scriptures followed that honor the Pali Canon, emphasizing the importance of religious experience (LR, 82). One form of Mahayana are bodhisattvas, hereafter buddhas who are devoted to liberating others from suffering without having to leave society to do so. One important aspect of a bodhisattva is compassion for others, an important Buddha teaching that emphasizes on the subject on no-Self (notes).
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Is Grendel Evil? Essay -- essays research papers
In a world of chaos, he who lives, lives by his own laws and values. Who is to say that the death of millions is both worse or better, for that matter, than injuring a cockroach. And in the case of an existing power in the form of God, who is presumed to be all which is level-headed, presiding and ruling an organized universe, why then(prenominal) does aversion exist? The prosaic response of without evil, there is no good no longer holds any validity in this argument as the admitted death of good is to reach an existence without evil. So even if a God does exist, I think it is fair, at this point, to say that he is the embodiment of both good and evil. And if humoring those who would answer the previous question with the response that there can be no good without evil, then can we assume that evil is exclusively a subsection of a defined good? Or perhaps even a good thing? If it is essential, those who chose the side of evil are merely abiding by good values. In the case of a world ruled by Chaos, evil is a non-existent word or value, rather. The system upon which a persons actions are judged also disappears leaving nothing just an instinct for natural survival as basic and primary as the liveness within the forests which we tear down to build our houses. Ethics is a wide field of philosophical study to which the core of every question within waterfall to one side of a blurred line. On the right, is good the value which is popularly imagined to be the correct alignment for which a person should live their life history according to. On the left, is evil that which is the cause of most human misery, and prevents peace on earth. In John Gardners book Grendel, the retelling of the ages old story Beowulf, still blurs the line between good and evil. Circumstance and perhaps a confused view of reality allow the monster, Grendel, to conceivably defend his evil beliefs. In coordinate to better understand evil, using Grendel as a guide, I intend to attempt to justify it.Grendel is born a neutral being, perhaps even good, but nevertheless, without hate. The transition which he undergoes to become evil is due to misunderstandings between himself and humans and also meeting with a dragon who is questionably evil. As a unsalted monster, Grendel knew nothing other than the cave he lived in and his mother who could not speak any distinguishable language. He was a playful savage who seemed to be like a bla... ...orals is an act of creation. A religious act. Murder and Mayhem are the life and soulrevolution The essence of good in evil is contained within this speech given by Red Horse. That which should be, will come from revolution. The people will fight for what they consider is the truth and if certain moral philosophy or institutions stand in the way of that, they must be torn down. The reason for destruction is to actually create anew what is better for existence. This is what I believe the old man is trying to say. That sheer brutal ity, and that which is considered evil, is the only way to achieve change and therefore a newer, better way of life. It is a concept which sounds scratchy and uncompromisingly hurtful to those who are on the opposing end, but it is actually similar to sociologys conflict theory. Without conflict, and therefore the resolution of conflict, there can be no change. Without change, life remains stagnant and in the same cycle of trading one mans pain for another mans happiness. Therefore, without evil as a means to achieving good, the world would remain a constant struggle without advancements of living and without advancements of life.
Is Grendel Evil? Essay -- essays research papers
In a world of chaos, he who lives, lives by his own laws and values. Who is to say that the death of millions is any worse or better, for that matter, than injuring a cockroach. And in the case of an following power in the form of God, who is presumed to be all which is good, presiding and ruling an organized universe, why then does evil exist? The prosaic response of without evil, there is no good no longer holds any validity in this argument as the admitted goal of good is to click an existence without evil. So even if a God does exist, I think it is fair, at this point, to say that he is the embodiment of both good and evil. And if humoring those who would dissolver the previous question with the response that there can be no good without evil, then can we assume that evil is simply a subsection of a defined good? Or perhaps even a good thing? If it is essential, those who chose the cheek of evil are simply abiding by good values. In the case of a world ruled by Chaos, evil i s a non-existent word or value, rather. The system upon which a persons actions are judged also disappears leaving vigor but an instinct for natural survival as basic and primary as the life within the forests which we lacerate down to build our houses. Ethics is a wide field of philosophical study to which the core of every question within falls to one side of a blurred line. On the right, is good the value which is popularly believed to be the correct alignment for which a person should live their life according to. On the left, is evil that which is the cause of most hu human being misery, and prevents peace on earth. In John Gardners book Grendel, the retelling of the ages old story Beowulf, further blurs the line mingled with good and evil. Circumstance and perhaps a confused view of reality allow the monster, Grendel, to conceivably defend his evil beliefs. In order to better perceive evil, using Grendel as a guide, I intend to attempt to justify it.Grendel is born a neut ral being, perhaps even good, but nevertheless, without hate. The transition which he undergoes to become evil is due to misunder goings between himself and humans and also meeting with a dragon who is questionably evil. As a young monster, Grendel knew nothing other than the cave he lived in and his mother who could not speak any distinguishable language. He was a playful creature who seemed to be give care a bla... ...orals is an act of creation. A religious act. Murder and Mayhem are the life and soulrevolution The essence of good in evil is contained within this speech given by Red Horse. That which should be, will come from revolution. The people will fight for what they consider is the truth and if certain morals or institutions stand in the way of that, they must be torn down. The reason for destruction is to actually create anew what is better for existence. This is what I believe the old man is trying to say. That sheer brutality, and that which is considered evil, is the only way to achieve change and therefore a newer, better way of life. It is a concept which sounds harsh and uncompromisingly unkind to those who are on the opposing end, but it is actually similar to sociologys conflict theory. Without conflict, and therefore the resolution of conflict, there can be no change. Without change, life stiff stagnant and in the same cycle of trading one mans pain for another mans happiness. Therefore, without evil as a means to achieving good, the world would remain a constant struggle without advancements of living and without advancements of life.
Monday, May 27, 2019
The Conqueror And King: Alexander The Great
Alexander the Great, as his name connotes is probably one of the coarseest armed forces leaders and conquerors in the fib of the world. At a very offspring age, he was able to put much of the Hellenic world under his control extending over 3,000 miles from Greece to India (Cummings, 2004). The unification of the many Greek metropolis-states under the father of Alexander, Philip II of Macedon was attri barelyable to the the great conqueror who took control over these lands that the Persian army used to control. These include Anatolia, Syria, Phoenicia, Judea, Gaza, Egypt, Bactria and Mesopotamia (Shone and Odgens, 2005).Alongside this, he broaden the boundaries of his own conglomerate reaching as far as Punjab (now a province of Pakistan) in the Indian subcontinent. These phalanx achievements of Alexander the Great did not hold here. If he had not died at a very young age, Alexander the Great could have conquered the European lands (Tarn, 1979). He also wanted to continue hi s conquests by exploring eastwards, hoping to find the end of the world which had been made known to him by his tutor, the great philosopher, Aristotle. Alexanders tutor once told him tales of where the lands and the great oceans begin.It was also Aristotle who influenced the young prince greatly on how to behave properly, especially in dealing with women. His great respect for women has been very evident even during his adulthood (Syversten, 1997). In his conquests of new lands, Alexander encourage the inclusion of foreigners into his army which is basically the reason why slightly scholars consider him to be a policy of fusion (Cummings, 2004). With this, he also encouraged the exogamy between his army and foreigners, which he also engaged in by marrying Roxanne, the princess of Bactria, one of the present provinces of Afghanistan.Because of this, the military conquests and achievements ushered in what came to be known as the Hellenistic age, a fusion of Greek and Middle Easter n culture (Gunther, 1963). In Afghanistan, for example, the rulers had combined Greek names with their own names. Having lived a life that was full of military achievements and accomplishments, though shortly lived made Alexander a person of vital importance not just in the memorial of the Greek culture but the history of the world as well. He has also appeared to be a legendary hero in the person of the home runic hero, Achilles (Green, 1970).The Achievements of Alexander the Great The birth of Alexander the Great on the twentieth of July to Philip II of Macedonia and his fourth wife Olympias in Pella, Macedonia in Northern Greece happened to be the same day when the temple of Artemis has been brocaded to the ground- a good omen of how great the young prince would be (Robinson, 1963). Aside from this, he could have inherited the military skills and achievements of his other relatives. His father, like him was a great general and organizer. Similarly, Pyrrhus of Epirus was his se cond cousin (OBrien, 1992).As a child, it has been verbalise that Alexander would often get disappointed whenever he learns of his fathers successful conquests of new lands, intellection that there would be no more lands left for him by the judgment of conviction he sits on the throne as king (Syversten, 1997). By the time he reached thirteen, the young prince matured, thanks to his education under Aristotle. It was because of his education under Aristotle that he became interested in philosophy, literature, philosophy, countries, ethics, politics, etc.He also developed a love for the works of Homer and the Heroic Age (Pinkerton, 2002). His love for Homers the Iliad was the reason why he regarded Achilles to be his role model, and it was because of this that the young boy became fearless and strong which he demonstrated by riding Bucephalus, the horse no one ever dared to touch (Pinkerton, 2002). At the age of sixteeen, King Philip II placed great responsibilities upon the young prince. While the former has been away for a long period of time, one of Macedonias colonies revolted.Due to the absence of his father, the young prince took over the situation and commanded the troops to subdue the said rebellion. He was also sixteen years old when he found his first ever colony, Alexandroupolis (Syversten, 1997). Alexander became the king of Macedonia at the age of 20. During that time, the Greek city states became restless under Macedonian rule. On one of his battles in the north, fighting the Barbarians, word spread about Alexanders death, causing the people of Thebes to revolt.Upon reading of what is happening, Alexander had to engage in harsh measures to quell the rebellion. From then on, no one ever questioned the capacity, strength and efficiency of Alexander as a military leader (Cartledge, 2005). The young king then went on with his conquest of Persia, one of the dreams his father had, also knowing that he could not have real author with Darius, the grea t king of Persia around (Robinson, 1963). He defeated the great Persian ruler at the battle of Issus in 333 BC for the second time and in November of that same year, he was crowned as King of Persia (Stoneman, 1997).It was also in that time when he reached the Indian subcontinent where he defeated Porus, an Indian prince. Although he planned on taking on what lies beyond the Ganges River, Alexander had to go back as his army mutinied against him (Cummings, 2004). He was able extend his empire up to this part because of his marriage to the Bactrian princess, Roxanne (Gunther, 1963). The journeys of Alexander the Great led him to discover numerous cities and colonies. The most popular of them all, is perhaps the city which bears his name, Alexandria.The people in Egypt welcomed the Macedonian king hospitably, having despised their Persian rulers and crowned him as their pharaoh (Syversten, 1997). Egypt then became the center of learning and commerce because of its strategic location ( Robinson, 1963). The greatness of Alexander, however started to diminish as he was continuously losing the support not just of his army but of the Macedonians as well because of his adoption of Persian ways (OBrien, 1992). On July 10, 323 BC, a calendar month before his 33rd birthday, Alexander the Great died.Some say it was because of malaria or other types of sicknesses while others theorize it to be caused by poisoning. Some say this was due to some peoples discontent with his rule, especially the sons of Antipater, the viceroy of Greece. With no legal heir to inherit his grand kingdom which extends from Greece to India, the empire of Alexander the Great has been distributed to his generals. Having conquered vast territory within a very short lifetime, Alexander the Great remains to be the greatest military commander and conqueror in the history of the world.References Cartledge, P. (2005). Alexander the Great The Hunt for A New Past. US Vintage. Cummings, L. V. (2004). Alexande r the Great. the States Grove Press. Green, P. (1970). Alexander the Great. USA Cengage Learning Gunther, J. (1963). Alexander the Great. USA ergodic House. O Brien, J. M. (1992). Alexander the Great The Invisible Enemy A Biography. UK Routledge Pinkerton, J. (2002). Biography of Alexander the Great. Retrieved October 4, 2007 From http//mi. essortment. com/alexandergreat_rhqk. htmRobinson, C. A. (1963) Alexander the Great Conqueror and Creator of A New World. USA F. Watts Publishing. Shone, R. and Odgens, C. (2005) Alexander the Great The Life of a King and a Conqueror. USA Rosen Classroom. Stoneman, R. (1997). Alexander the Great. UK Routledge. Syversten, T. (1997). The Rise and Fall of Alexander the Great. Retrieved October 4, 2007 From http//members. aol. com/tomstp9/alex. html Tarn, W. W. (1979). Alexander the Great. Volume II Sources and Studies. USA Cambridge University Press
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Err for Level 2 Childcare
occupation A AII * to research exercise legalitys on goggle * to contact a law firm * To visit business link online and to search for employment laws. Aii a) * Time off & holidays * pay * working hours b) * Employment rights * Health & safety * Discrimination & equalities Aiii, employment laws exist to provide protection for the employee and for the employer. Task B Bi, The terms and conditions of my employment are the reckon in which I commenced my employment. My job title, this formulates what my title is and has a abbreviated description of what my aims go away be.My settle of work, this explains where my main place of work lead be and that I may be requireed in other distinguishes. It in equivalent manner explains that I bequeath be given a months notice if my place of work changes. My salary, this explains what my hourly rate will be and how it will be paying(a) into my account. It overly states that my salary will be reviewed each year and that I will be notif ied in writing if there is either change to my pay. My hours of work, this explain what my hours of work will be and what I am required to work each calendar week.This in addition tells me when my hours are i. e. times and days. It also states that I am required to work additional hours holiday & holiday pay. This gives a brief explanation of when the holiday year begins and ends. When holiday poop and cannot be shinen. It also states that on the termination of my employment during a holiday year I will be entitled to holiday pay in lieu if it is outstanding. foot race periods/notice. This explains when my examination is and for how long and that it will be reviewed at the end of the trial period.It also explains that the company can extend the trial period and can melt you is they feel you are not capable of doing your job. They will give one weeks notice within the trial period of judgment of dismissal or extension of the trial. During the trial period or extension of th is employees are not entitled to holiday. sickness and unavoidable absence, this section explains that if you are unable to attend work for any rationalness and it has not been authorised by the company you need to contact your line manager by a certain time and you must speak with them as you cannot leave a message.If you are unable to attend work for more that 7 days which includes weekends then you must provide a medical certificate, by and by the 8th day of sickness a medical note must be provided to the company on a weekly basis. Sick pay. this section explains that if you are absent from work due to sickness or injury that you will not be entitled to sick pay un little you pass paid interior(a) insurance then statutory sick pay is entitled. It is also saying that if you qualify for statutory sick pay that this will be paid in accordance with the provisions of the social security contributions and benefits act 1992. pensions.This gives a brief explanation that there is no pensions scheme applicable. Termination of employment, in this section it is briefly explaining that the period of notice will be given to me in writing. The period of notice will change depending on how long I lose been working for the company. It is also explaining that if I wish to terminate my contract that it must be in writing and that the minimum notice period is a month, which does not include holidays. Company policies and executions, this section explains that I will comply with the companies policies and procedures and those copies have been made available. raining, this section explains that all employees are expected to train to the level of their job role, and need to hold several certificates within the first 6 months of employment. confidentiality, in this section it explains that I shall not during or after my employment better any instruction about the company or its clients. Deductions from salary, this explains that the company reserves the right to reclaim m onies from overpayment, holiday pay, or costs incurred for failure to attend training. It states that this will be deducted from salary payments or if the employee has go away will be asked for payments in cheque or cash. hanges to your terms or employment, this explains that the company reserves the right to fixate any changes to the terms and conditions of employment and that no less that one months notice will be given of any changes. Grievance procedure, this explains that if I have a grievance relating to my employment that I should raise this is writing in accordance to the grievance procedure. disiplinary & dismissal procedures. This explains that any disciplinary action relating to employment or dismissal procedure will be handled in accordance with the correct procedure.Bii, the information which needs to be shown on my pay slip is * the companies name, * The department or branch that I work in. * the payment method * payment period * the description i. e. basic pay * the amount of hours * the hourly rate * the amount I have been paid * the amount of tax that I have paid for that week/month * the amount of discipline insurance I have paid for that week/month * the total gross pay TD * gross for tax TD * tax paid TD * Earnings for national insurance to date * national insurance to date the earnings for that week/month for national insurance * the gross for tax for that week/month * total gross pay for that week/month * depicted object insurance number. * net pay * The week/ month number that it is. * the date * your tax code * your employee number * employee name Biii * change of your name i. e. getting unite * Change of address. Biv, stage 1 If an employee has a formal grievance then they should produce this complaint in writing addressed to their supervisor. If their complaint is against their supervisor they should then address it to a manager.A manager will then organise a meeting within 5 working days of the complaint, with the employee to di scuss their grievance. The employee has the right to develop with them to the meeting a colleague. The colleague chosen to accompany will be able to take paid time off for this meeting. The employee with the complaint must take all measurings to attend this meeting. The company will then respond to the grievance as soon as possible normally within 5 working days of the meeting. If it is not possible to respond within the 5 working days the employee will be notified of the delay and told when the response will be.The employee will then be told in writing of the companys decision and of the employees right to appeal against this. Stage 2 If the employee with the grievance is not satisfy with the companys decision they can appeal in writing to the manager within 5 working days of the companys decision. When the employee has acquire the appeal letter a chairperson will cast plans to hear the employees grievance at an appeal meeting. The employee may be accompanied by a colleague of their choice as in the perilous meeting. Again the employee must take all steps to attend this appeal meeting.As in step 1 the company will respond as quickly as they can to get the matter resolved. If there is as delay it employee will be informed in writing. In the grievance procedure this is the final stage and the companys decision will be final and cannot be raise again. Bv The agreed ways of working with my employer in relation to data protection are I have signed my contract to say that I will not share any information about the companys employees or the clients, and that I am aware of the implications of the data protection act 1998 as it affects my roles and responsibilities within the company.I have been given a copy of the grievance procedure and understand this fully I have also signed in my contract to say that I understand the procedure. I have read through the complaints procedure as it is explaining about conflict management, which I fully understand. By working wi th my employer I can uphold to resolve any complaints by following this procedure. I have read the dealing with racial harassment policy which outlines discrimination against anyone on the cubic yard of race, colour, nationality or ethnicity. I have also read through the equality diversity policy.By reading through these policies I can help my colleagues deal with any situation, I now also know the correct procedure in dealing with any discrimination situation. I have read through the health and safety policy and fully understand it. By having this knowledge I now know what to do when any health or safety issues arise. I now know how to deal with them and what the correct procedure is in respect of documenting the issue. I have read through the confidentiality policy and fully understand that that the information used on our clients will only be used for their welfare and will not be passed onto anyone else.By having this knowledge I can help to nurture our clients informations confidential. I have read through the babble out blowing policy procedure and understand that it is important to raise any issues that are whistle blowing to management so that the issue can be dealt with quickly to ensure the safety of our employees and clients. By having this knowledge I now know the correct procedure to raise any issues or concerns that relates to the company. BVi My role contributes to the overall delivery of the service provided by assisting with planning, preparing and delivering play opportunities within a safe environment.Providing care, collection and delivery of children. Providing drinks and snacks and making sure that hygiene and health and safety procedures are met. Giving first aid when required. Asking the children and inviting them to help with activity planning. Also going to appropriate and relevant training courses to help with any issues. To keep the place of work healthy safe and secure. BVii a) By following best practice within my work role I can set a good example to less experienced employees and to the clients.By showing best practice I can create office within the setting to ensure that clients continue to come back to us. b) By not carrying out the requirements of my role I could damage the service that the company provides. If a client were to see me not carrying out the requirements it would leave a bad impression on the company and result to the client leaving. It could also teach less experienced employees that this is acceptable behaviour and they could then follow suit and the quality of the service would be non existent. BViiiMy own work must be influenced by national factors because it is the agreed way of working. The government has set up different national factors to help us to provide a safer and happier learning environment and this should be followed in every workplace. Bix a) OFSTEAD Social Services b) Ofsteds role is to make sure that all childcare providers meet the requirements of the EYFS ( ea rly years foundation stage). ofsteads also make sure that the childcare providers are protecting children, help children to be healthy safe and enjoy and achieve, make positive contributions and develop key skills. o set ahead high quality care, learning and development and to reassure parents. Social Services role is to provide advice and emotional support and to arrange care services to help spate, this could be parents and children under pressure. people with physical or learning disabilities and people with mental health problems. Task C to be able to work as a play worker I need to train in First Aid, Child Protection, Food & hygiene, Health & safety, Manual Handling. I will also need to complete my N. V. Q level 2 certificates for the children. nd young peoples workforce. once I have completed this I would like to continue to work towards my N. V. Q level 3. once I have completed my level 3 I would like to work towards becoming a play leader within my branch. I would also li ke to work to becoming a classroom assistant and looking for the correct qualifications to do this. I will need to be level 2 certificates for teacher assistants. there is a wide range of different certificates to choose from and I can also work towards level 3. which I would like to do. nce I have gained these qualifications I can then branch out to work with children that have disabilities. I think that this would be something that I would like to do. Task D The issue raised is are children safe at nursery? the case that I am going to look at is when a common chord year old girl was attacked at her nursery by a two year old. the little girl was taken to hospital with a suspect broken eye socket. the police were called to investigate the attack but could not proceeded as the child was below the legal criminal age, which is ten in this country. he adults that were supervising the children six of the eight lag was in a separate room drinking tea and chatting. the staff knew that th is child had attacked other children before and had left her unattended. the veto points of view in this case are that if the child were to continue to attack children then why the parents werent notified. Also why werent the childrens parents giving a warning. if this child continued to miss behave why didnt the nursery staff expel the child? why wasnt the nursery staff there to oversee the children and make sure that they were playing safely? he other points are that they child is only two, therefore is not aware of their actions and how it could scathe someone. I think that with this case there are several other cases that are similar. I think that people within the childcare service need to be fully qualified to deal with children that have bad tempers and are badly behaved. that staff should be watching the children of a young age at all times. I think that peoples opinions are affected once a negative story has been brought to attention. eople are not going to indispensable ness to put there children into care at this nursery because this could happen to their children. the fact that the staff was also not doing their jobs properly will bring a negative vibe to the nursery and parents will not want to leave their children in the nurseries care. I think that people are persuaded by negative stories rather than positive. people will be able to remember the negative things rather than the positive which is why doing everything right is good as it sets a positive example of the place of work.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Nuclear Power Technology Essay
The discovery of thermo thermonuclear mogul had brought mankind to one of its greatest success through turn out history. Nuclear engineering science is considered as a gift from the Italian-American physicist, Enrico Fermi, who was given the title as the new Promethean, similar to the ancient Greek mythological figure. Extending this analogy, it was the Prometheans who gave the entire human race a type of fire within the nuclear nucleus. Angelo related that on December 2, 1942 at the University of Chicago, Fermi and his team of scientists operated the first nuclear reactor ever build (1).Pioneering this experiment has started the new era of engine room, in where the human race can harvest energy wisely and in a controlled manner within the atomic nucleus. Effects In the discussion of the effects of using nuclear mogul applied science, it is only fair and proper to present both sides of the argument. The benefits of embarking on such projects go away first be discussed. A majo r premise for the use of nuclear power will be that it is cheaper than alternative sources for the production of electricity bulk.In the ago sixty years, humanity has seen the successful transformation of the atom from a military weapon to a vast source of electricity that benefits the publics lives, powering terrestrial activities from using washing machines to surfing the Internet. Expansions in the use of advanced nuclear reactors for power generation had increased global convenience without emitting noxious chemicals such as carbon monoxide, the gas which endangers the Earths atmosphere. Thus, nuclear technology does not contribute to the increasing catastrophe of the greenhouse effect.On the other hand, no technology can completely escape the circumstances under which it was first developed, and nuclear power reactors cannot avoid some of the negative reaction aimed at the technology. Building a nuclear power ingraft always lead to the enormous amount of materials, land and energy needed to utilize the construction, so feeding a institute requires the mining of a large amount of uranium ore. Decommission of an aging power plant additionally requires large quantity of energy and materials.Also, during a power plants operation, the use of water needs to be in a large quantity for the cooling process of the plant itself, thus relinquish great amount of heat waste. Short-Term Consequences It is undeniable that flock benefit from the electricity generated by nuclear power plants to facilitate their everyday life. More and more, concourse be dependent on electricity that these plants have proven to bring. The widespread use of radioactive isotopes and X-rays is still benefiting the practice of medicine.Also, the use of such energy is already contributing to the decrease of the emission of noxious gases to the atmosphere, thus somehow preventing the pending disaster of the greenhouse effect. Believers in nuclear technology, to the degree that they recogn ize these hazards, dispute that nuclear technology carries advantages that more than give back for its intrinsic dangers. From a scientific perspective, when used wisely and carefully, the various forms of nuclear technology have and will allow great benefits. Long-Term ConsequencesInvestment in the construction of well-contained nuclear power plants is very expensive on a first glance, but the long precondition advantage of humongous savings on electricity generation can potentially alleviate the current economic crisis that the world over is experiencing right now. Supporters of nuclear power contend that nuclear electricity offers the only realistic prospect of sustained economic growth once fossil fuels begin to run out or cause unacceptable environmental problems. On the flip side, using a large amount of resources for keeping a nuclear power plant alive can lead to environmental degradation in the long run.Likewise, the release of a great amount of heat waste disrupts nature as well as animals by this extreme thermal pollution. The unbroken expansion of mankind through the use of nuclear technology to sustain global achievements mightiness also increasingly leave a mark of disruptive wastes. Future Developments Human civilization is at an important crossroads with respect to nuclear technology. If people fail to use nuclear technology wisely, the magnificent accomplishments of the human race could easily crumble into radioactive dust.Current and future generations of humans can profitably harness the energy locked deep within the atomic nucleus to achieve sustainable global civilization. A societal decision to harvest only the advantageous aspects of nuclear technology is also a manifestation of the ultimate good that can arise from the creative spirit of the human mind. In this context, nuclear technology might come to be viewed in the future as that uniquely powerful technology that serves as protector of Earth. Conclusion The discussion of nuclea r power has been lengthy because of the potential importance of nuclear energy in controlling the atmospheric greenhouse.Nuclear power is out of Pandoras Box it offers enormous benefits there are enormous risks. More than any kind of energy and type of technology we are using, nuclear technology is indeed the most influential deplumate in this changing world. Integration of all technological aspects would be much difficult than any other kind of technology, thus there is a continuous seeking for its options and analyzing the consequences and benefits as well. Nuclear technology has brought confusing questions in which historians and experts made a remarkable debate.Would this modern technology lead the human race to a more sustainable economic growth or does this clean and quite, yet extremely destructive power will consume the planet? There are a lot of questions that can not be answered accurately, but for the betterment of the entire human race as well as for our future generat ions, vivification with this extraordinary technology, if used in a contained and humane manner, would be the right decision to make.WORK CITED Angelo, Joseph. Nuclear Technology. Westport, Connecticut Greenwood Press, 2004.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Ideas and Values Shape Who You Become in Society Essay
Most people strive to earn a good social stand and the ideas and value they hold on to raft often influence their place in fellowship. Society dictates which ideas and values will be accepted and which will be rejected. The values that stick with us the most are usually taught to us as children and help to influence who we become. In Girl and Good People, the characters were elevated to have religious values and to behave in a way that will make it easy for them to fit into their society. The main characters in these stories had their values impose on them at a young age, and helped to shape who theyve become and how they behave in society.Read more Good people by David Foster Wallace searchReligion is a cornerstone for the characters in both stories. They are taught what is acceptable in their religion, in this case Christianity, and realize certain actions could alienate them from their social groups. In Girl, the girl is given specific instructions on how to behave, includin g dont sing benna in Sunday give instruction (Kincaid, 120). She is taught that singing folk harmony on the Lords day is improper, and even though she doesnt sing benna on Sundays at all and never in Sunday school (120), she is explicitly told a few times non to do it. There, it is burning(prenominal) for her to be on her best behavior. On Sundays she is shown she must try to walk alike(p) a lady and not the slut you are so bent on becoming (120) because how she is perceived on Sundays sens be detrimental to her national image.In Good People way A. Dean Jr and his girlfriend Sheris values weigh heavily on their thoughts as they consider their options when making a momentous decision. The two are very religious and theyd prayed on it and talked it through from every different angle (Wallace, 152). They are crazy about how their society will perceive them and if they are still good people if they go through with having an abortion and never really mention the word in conversat ion. until nowon the phone they speak in a kind of half code in case anybody accidentally picked up the extension (153).Neither of them goes to a friend or even religious leaders to talk about their situation, not Pastor Steve or the prayer partners at campus ministries, not his UPS friends or the spectral counselling available through his parents old church (152) because they are ashamed. Specifically, Lane feels like he knew now why it was a true sin and not just a leftover rule from past society (152). In Girl and Good People, the main characters religious values have an affect on who they are in society, a good person or someone who gets to touch the bread (Kincaid, 121).Even though Lane Dean and Sheri had made the appointment, they were still uncertain of their decision. Lane knew he couldnt make up his girlfriends mind because he knew if he was the salesman of it and hale it upon her that was awful and wrong (Wallace, 152) and he knows it isnt his place to make a decision f or her. However, he wishes he could know what Sheri is thinking and get her to open up and say enough back that he could see her and read her heart and know what to say to get her to go through with it (152). Sheri knows Lane Dean is a good person, and that he respects her enough to know he cannot force her to side with him, but he still wishes he could persuade her to have the abortion. Ultimately, it is Sheris decision to have the abortion, or cancel the appointment.Similarly, included in the long list of instructions in Girl is how to make a good euphony to throw away a child before it even becomes a child (Kincaid, 120), so the girl can decide for herself whether or not to have an abortion. Beside how to make medicine, the girl is taught other gender specific lessons that include cooking, sewing, laundry, and grocery shopping. She needs to learn how to sew in order to hem a clip so to prevent yourself from looking like the slut I know you are so bent on becoming (120) and look ing indecent in public. All of these instructions are aimed to make it easier for the girl to find a husband by teaching her how you set a table for dinner with an important guest how to behave in the presence of men who dont know you very well (120). Understanding of gender roles and how to behave around men, or be a wife, are important lessons for the girl to learn in order to survive in her society.Class affiliation plays a role in the upbringing of the girl. She is instructed to wash the white clothes and put them on the stone heap(119) and when buying cotton to make yourself a nice blouse, be sure as shooting that it doesnt have gum on it(119-120) because it doesnt matter which social class she belongs to, she still needs to have clean, well-made clothes. Sewing is a multipurpose skill for her, because she cannot afford clothes that are already made, or even premade fabric. Harsh words and phrases that are repeated throughout the story such as slut and wharf-rat boy accentuat e the point that there is a certain way for her to behave in society and that if she acts like a slut or associates with wharf-rat boys, people will view her as being lower than them.Unlike the girl, Lane A. Dean Jr seems to belong to the upper middle class based on his name, and the fact that he attends junior college while living at home with his parents. He was named after his father, and perhaps this close affiliation with the patriarch of his family makes him apprehensive of bring out in his parents about his situation. He is close with his mother as well, and she thinks Sheri is good peopleshe made this evident in little ways (150). Lane is worried their decision and their sins mean they will no longer be viewed as good people to the people in their upper class society and knows Sheri can neither have an abortion today nor carry a child alone and shame her family (155).Trying to fit in to society, whether upper or lower class can be an arduous task with many lessons to learn and roles to play. Knowing your place and where you fit in warnmines your success. The ideas and values imprinted on youth to build character and deter bad behavior allow them to conform to society.Works CitedMays, Kelly J. ed. _The Norton Introduction to Literature._ Portable 11th ed.New York Norton, 2013. Print.Kincaid, Jamaica. Girl. Mays 119. Print.Wallace, David Foster. Good People. Mays 149. Print.
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